Healthcare Engineering Facilitator

The medical device manufacturing industry is one of the most highly regulated sectors worldwide, and with good reason.

The UK enjoys a reputation as a design and manufacturing centre of excellence, globally, but with massive demand on both manufacturers and the supply chain, sourcing essential medical  grade materials, components, equipment and associated services is more difficult than ever.

Many UK supply chain companies with the expertise, certification and solutions specific to the needs of the “medtech” design and manufacturing industry are not being engaged.

Healthcare Engineering Facilitator is here to bridge the gap between manufacturers, be they large OEM’s or SME’s and the specialist companies in all tiers of the supply chain below them.

There will always be a need for international business for many OEM’s, overly reliant on international trading relationships with their supply chain, it has been exposed to be a highly fragile model.

Healthcare Engineering Facilitator is here to promote and encourage “local” relationships that are more sustainable, reliable and ultimately better for business.


Contact: Colin Martin

Clwyd Villa
58 Cwm Road
LL18 6BD

Email: colmartin@btinternet.com

Website: www.healthcareengineeringfacilitator.co.uk

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