Rail Forum Midlands Join Reshoring UK

Established 25 years ago, the Rail Forum Midlands (RFM) represents over 160 businesses across the Midlands and beyond, collectively employing over 25,000 people and contributing £2.6bn to the local economy. We are a not-for-profit organisation, owned and governed by our members with the sole purpose of supporting them to grow and thrive. Our members include infrastructure and rolling stock consultancies, manufacturers, OEMs and a wide range of service providers to the industry. We work strategically with both UK and regional governments, the Rail Delivery and Supply Groups (RDG/RSG) and our local LEPs as well as continuing to support our members through specific events.

Elaine Clark, General Manager for Rail Forum Midlands ”Rail Forum Midlands (RFM) is delighted to join the ReshoringUK partnership alongside the GTMA, other trade associations and key industry sectors. Identifying opportunities for our UK based manufacturing members is a key part of what RFM does and being part of this important initiative will, we hope, provide real business opportunities for them to develop and further grow their businesses. ”


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